I love Queensland Collection’s Perth range’s subtle changes in colours. The beautifully matched colours slowly blend from one to the next. It really makes your project pop.
I chose the colour Great Sandy. It reminds me of the Flinders Ranges, one of my favourite spots in the world. We had recently been travelling there and stayed at the beautiful Alpana Station just near Blinman in the Northern Flinders.
If you are in the Flinders Ranges I recommend visiting Sally at Alpana Station

I decided to try a shawl. I haven’t made to many shawls so it took me a bit of time experimenting with different stitches to get something I was happy with.
I am pretty pleased with this fan shape which really complimented the style of the shawl.
As you can see the colour-way, Great Sandy, has really worked very well with the shawl giving it a beautifully balanced look.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
P.s. I am planning to do it again this time in Queensland Collection’s Llama Lace – Marigold. I will probably tweak it a bit and make it bigger. When i have finished I will write up the pattern so you can buy it.